Anna Kucewicz

September 9, 2017
Unpronounceable Polish word of the week – can you?

Krnąbrny So my friend has just described her child's behaviour in this way. When you can mould your mouth around its consonants, it means: rebellious, defiant, incalcitrant, stubborn and generally...

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August 31, 2017
On this day: 1 September 1939

It was the start of a hot, summery Friday with clear blue skies. Children had been getting ready for school the following week, but school had been called off indefinitely a...

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August 25, 2017
Five things I love about Poland

As I've travelled around Poland this summer, I've thought about the many differences between Polish and British culture. Some are quite superficial but others much deeper. Here are the ones...

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August 15, 2017
Why is 15th August a national holiday?

There are two reasons, history and tradition intertwined, linked to traditional culture, church and military.  There's a holiday atmosphere to this day, re-established in 1992 and the flags are out...

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August 11, 2017
Which beach can you cycle to, roller skate and have a boogie on?

Well let me give you a clue, it's in Poland on the Baltic Coast. My article earlier this year on the wonders of  Sopot didn't mention Jelitkowo that's a walk...

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July 28, 2017
Not an iPad in sight! How Polish kids’ camps, kolonie, entertain

So kolonie zuchowe (Polish brownie and cub camps) have been going on for nearly a century and certainly for over 60 years in the UK, yet the children play many of...

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July 21, 2017
Our Polish Heritage – the Winged Hussars

If you thought the Polish Hussars belonged to history, you’d be wrong because there are re-enactment groups, one based in the castle town of Gniew, about 60km from Gdańsk, the...

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June 28, 2017
For Polish Navy Day – a bit of Morse Code …./.-/…./.-

Since 1928, the last weekend of June has been known as the Święto Marynarki Wojennej (Polish Navy Day). Although Morse Code is no longer used as an international standard for...

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June 21, 2017
Five reasons to celebrate Midsummer’s Night

The longest day of the year (the solstice) is either 20 or 21 June, depending on the year.  Traditionally in medieval England and in Poland currently, midsummer celebrations are on...

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June 13, 2017
Kraków: streets to beat the stress

While Kraków is overflowing with beautiful, historic buildings to visit, on my latest trip (in between renewing insurances, resolving bank card problems and finding a new bin for the bathroom),...

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