It is 85 years since the first of four mass deportations to Siberia and other areas, carried out by the NKVD of the Soviet Union. They began on 10 February...
It is 85 years since the first of four mass deportations to Siberia and other areas, carried out by the NKVD of the Soviet Union. They began on 10 February...
What do you do when after two weeks of fighting one enemy (Germany), your country is stabbed in the back by another (Russia). Your troops are shielding retreating infantry troops...
To truly understand why the people of Warsaw were prepared to risk their lives in the Uprising against German occupation in August 1944, it's worth looking at the youth. Young...
Czerwone Maki (Red Poppies) was written in the night of 17 - 18 May 1944, whilst the author watched the artillery fire on Monte Cassino. It was inspired by being...
Whilst the massacre of 22,000 Polish officers in 1940 at Katyń is commemorated every year in April, it was just the beginning of further horror - deportation and exile for...
“The tragic death of General Sikorski enveloped the entire country and the Polish nation in mourning. To all the other losses was added the greatest and the most painful of...
On the 75th anniversary of Empire Windrush, author Jane Raca has kindly agreed to write this piece: On 22 June 1948 the Empire Windrush, a ship that has become famous...
10 February - Hundreds of thousands, possibly up to 1.6 million people interrogated, detained and forcibly deported to isolated regions of the far east of Russia. This would have been the...
In our search to find out our Polish families' lives both in Poland and in exile, one key element for the Polish soldiers, for their families and also displaced people...
The deportation of Poles by the Russians to slave labour camps in the Soviet Union during WWII, is well documented if not widely known. You can read the testimonies here....