Since 1928, the last weekend of June has been known as the Święto Marynarki Wojennej (Polish Navy Day). Although Morse Code is no longer used as an international standard for maritime distress, many countries still train staff in it and a lot of people, particular amateur radio operators use it. Harcerze and harcerki (boy and girl scouts) learn it too. One word that is used to remember the morse code in Polish is:
FILANTROPIA – goodwill to fellow humans, the act of promoting the welfare of others.
and it helps to learn the letter F in morse code:
FI-LAN-TROP-IA which is dot (syllable FI), dot (syllable LAN), dash (syllable with O in it, TROP) dot (syllable IA) .-..
So for the sake of goodwill, here’s the whole morse code set of words in Polish, with some great ones like the name LEONIDAS and ZŁOTOLITY (which means gilded or embellished with gold)
And even better, a song written by Paweł Żaba to remember it, sung here by the harcerki(girl scouts) from London: