
May 28, 2021
Artist Jan Matejko – putting Poland on the map

The portrait of Jan Matejko’s “Copernicus: Conversations with God” recently arrived at the National Gallery in London. It is the first work of a Polish artist to be on show there and...

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October 25, 2019
Chestnuts and Polish autumn songs

As the leaves start to fall around us and the last of summer's rays warm our limbs, the season of endings as well as new beginnings and great beauty drives...

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May 1, 2019
Why May is a special month for Poles

The month of May is bursting at the seams with important days for Poles, but some of the celebrations in Poland are very different to those we celebrate.  I would...

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December 4, 2018
Polish Saint Nicholas – Święty Mikołaj- will the Polish tale bring him to you?

When the cold wind bites and the rain patters on the window, listen carefully for a gentle knock on the door. If you open it even just a crack, the bajka...

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July 20, 2018
Polish Legend Lech, Czech and Rus – fact or fiction?

Ready for a fairytale? Or is there some truth in the legend of the three brothers, one of whom set up the Polish nation? Recently my harcerki (girl scouts) were...

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June 29, 2018
Jagody, truskawki and Polish nature

Reading posts about pierogi with truskawki (strawberries) or jagody (bilberries)and other delights such as fruit soups posted recently, I have been savouring the wonders of summer produce and  how somehow...

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June 15, 2018
From Russia with love – the samovar and how Poles took their tea

"To Moscow, to Moscow" said the sisters who languished at home, bored of their country life in Chekhov's "Three Sisters". The long days of June do seem to go on...

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May 3, 2018
What are your favourite Polish things?

It's a lovely sunny day and it's the Third of  May, the day the Polish Constitution was born in 1791. It's a national celebration so in Poland no one is...

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October 21, 2017
Hygge – with a Polish twist

The Danish concept of 'hygge' has been all the rage here in the UK these past two years; it resonates because British people love to find any new way to...

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September 28, 2017
3 Polish Poets for Poetry Day – classic and modern

So it's National Poetry Day in the UK and the classics are coming out, but do you know the most famous lines of Polish Poetry? It has to be the...

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